Tuesday 29 November 2016

Trace Start Procedures in LTE

The purpose of the Trace Start procedure is to allow the MME to request the eNB to initiate a trace function for a UE. The procedure uses UE-associated signalling. If no UE-associated logical S1-connection exists, the UE-associated logical S1-connection shall be established as part of the procedure.
Trace Recording for particular UE shall be activated when MME sends 
(a) Trace Start message (b) ICS(INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST) or HO Request message with IE Trace Activation for the particular UE.
a)     L3 store trace control and configuration parameters in Ue Context.
b)    L3 shall create a shared memory for the UE and this shared memory will be mapped to the Trace file with name and  format as defined in 3GPP specs 32.423.
c)     L3 will open created trace file(implementation dependent)
d)    L3 shall start tracing the interfaces requested in the Trace Start message, trace records shall be stored in file which is created and opened by above with the help of the shared memory opened for the respective UE.. on the basis of trace depth using thread spawned for tracing.
d) L3 shall send Trace Failure Indication to MME incase of
1) interaction with a handover procedure.
2) resource unavailability i.e. either max no of subscribers that can be traced or maximum size of the tracing record (sum of all the traces across all the subscribers across all the cells) is   already reached.
3) tracing is already activated for the UE.
4) Cell deletion is ongoing.
5) unknown Trace Reference.
Trace recording for the indicated trace reference shall be deactivated upon reception of Deactivate Trace message from MME
a)    L3 shall stop trace record collection.
b)    L3 shall indicate to OAM to start transfer of Trace file to Trace Collection Entity.
c)    L3 shall delete the Trace file once OAM indicates to do so.
d)    L3 shall send Trace Failure Indication to MME incase of
1) interaction with a handover procedure.
2) unknown Trace Reference.
Trace recording for the indicated trace reference shall be deactivated upon Associated S1 connection release
a)    L3 shall start UE Release Procedure.
b)    After sending UE Context Release Complete message to MME, L3 shall stop trace record collection.
c)    L3 shall indicate to OAM to start transfer of Trace file to Trace Collection Entity.
d)    L3 shall delete the Trace file once OAM indicates to do so.
e)    Finally UE Context is deleted from UECC global database.
Trace Recording shall be activated for new call(s)/session(s) and for already existing call(s)/session(s) upon reception of Cell Traffic Trace message from OAM for E-UTRAN Cell. For each call/session
a) L3 shall allocate Trace Reference and Trace Recording Session Reference as defined n 3GPP specs 32.422 .
b) L3 shall create a shared memory for the UE and this shared memory will be mapped to the Trace file with name and format as defined in 3GPP specs 32.423.

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